5 May 2014

ASP.NET Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced

                                    .NET FRAMEWORK Interview Questions

1. What is CLR? (CTS, Accenture)
2. What are the responsibilities of CLR? (Infosys, SRA systems).
3. Details about GC Garbage Collections? (Wipro).
4. Uses of FINIALIZE method? (CTS,Infosys,TCS)
5. Difference BW FINALIZE and DISPOSE method? (CSC,Bosch)
6. What is META data? (CPS solution, A&S )
7. Difference of .NET frame work 3.5 and 4.0?
8. What is SINGLETON pattern? (CTS)
9. What are the Design Patterns in .NET? (ICS, CSS Corp)
10. Where is Assembly information stored?
11. Difference between Assembly and NameSpace?
12. Uses of GAC ( Global Assembly Cache)? (IBM)
13. Difference between Private and Shared Assembly?
14. What is the purpose of Creating STRONG NAMES? (CSC)
15. What is Value types and Reference Types?

                                      C# Interview Questions

1. What is Partial Class? Write Simple Example? (Accenture)
2. Sealed Class purpose? (Infosys, RaveMaxpro)
3. What is Static Class? purpose of creating Static class?(CTS, Wipro)
4. Is Console application call as .EXE or DLL? (L&T, Mahindra Satyam)
5. Why we are using Abstract class in project?
6. What is Interface? do you using Interface? (A&S)
7. Difference BW Abstract and Interface?
8. What is Enum?
9. What is delegates? and Difference BW delegates and Events (TCS)
10. Meaning of virtual Keyword?
11. How to protect class from overriding? (CPS solution)
12.Difference BW String and StringBuilder?